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“Imprinting an ecological compensation reasoning on society by means of young citizens – IMPRINT+ “

Si tratta di un progetto intersettoriale, di ampio respiro, che coinvolgerà, per 36 mesi, diversi soggetti: università, istruzione superiore, municipalità ed enti locali: Universidade de Aveiro-Campo Universitario de Santiago (Portogallo), Municipio de Lousada (Portogallo), Leave No Trace Ireland (Irlanda), Ies Pedro Jimenez Montoya (Spain), E.N.T.E.R. GmbH (Austria), I.I.S.S. “Cipolla-Pantaleo-Gentile”.

La commissione Europea ha selezionato il progetto Erasmus Plus “Imprint Plus” quale progetto pilota nell’ambito dell’educazione alla imprenditorialità, inserendolo nella prestigiosa piattaforma “School Education Gateway che raccoglie le pratiche migliori in Europa.

Si riporta di seguito l’articolo….

Education IMPRINT+ ‘Imprinting an ecological compensation reasoning on society by means of young citizens’ Project was selected by the European Commission to integrate a working group devoted to Entrepreneurship Education. The project consists of an international strategic partnership for School Education, funded by the Erasmus + program.

With less than a year, IMPRINT+ has been positioning itself as a reference project in the fields of environmental education and citizen participation in the various countries of the consortium. Now it was the European Commission itself, which finances the project through the Erasmus + program, to recognize its relevance in the area of Youth Entrepreneurship.

Aiming to foster international cooperation for the establishment of best practices in various areas, the European Commission regularly opens collaborative platforms for which relevant project leaders are selected. The newest working group of the “School Education Gateway” platform is dedicated to Entrepreneurship Education, and IMPRINT+ has been selected to take part.

The IMPRINT+ Project aims to promote environmentally responsible behavior through gaiming and educational competitions. The primary target audience are children and youngsters, but the messages are aimed at society as a whole, assuming the mobilizing power of the youngest towards behavioral changes. The innovative character of the project is related to its multidisciplinary approach and the fact of combining the conservation of natural resources and environmental education with green entrepreneurship. “How can I create my own job while protecting nature? What green economy opportunities are there for young Europeans? How to value natural capital at a local level?” are some of the questions that IMPRINT+ will address, and earned the project the recognition by the European Commission.

IMPRINT+ is coordinated by the Universidade de Aveiro, in Portugal, in partnership with the Câmara Municipal de Lousada, where the project’s field actions are taking place; Leave No Trace Ireland, the greatest Irish NGO in the field of environmental good practices; IISS Cipolla-Pantaleo-Gentile, a science school of Sicily, Italy; IES PEDRO JIMENEZ MONTOYA, a secondary school of Baza, Spain; and Enter Net, an Austrian agency for the dissemination of results of European projects”.